A chemical peel is an amazing investment into yourself. It leaves your skin healthy, fresh and renewed. More and more women today are discovering how transformative this service is for their skin’s appearance and texture. Even as it becomes more popular, there are still many of our clients that seem a little hesitant to try because they simply don’t know what the procedure entails. A chemical peel works by transforming the surface of your skin cells through a reacting and repairing cell regeneration process that uncovers a bright, refreshed appearance. The peel removes the dead layers of skin to help the products do their magic deep within the skin. This can help with hyper- pigmentation, acne, or aging skin. It leaves the skin completely renewed.

When you come into our beauty studio for a chemical peel, we always do an analysis to determine the right peel type for your skin type. We do Vitamin C peels, Lactic Acid, Glycolic Acid, or Salicylic Acid peels. Vitamin C and Glycolic work well for most skin types, Lactic is for more of the dry clients, and Salicylic is for oily or acne-prone skin.

Here at Faces by FREDA, we prefer a series of more gentle peels, versus one deep peel. Reason being, the more gentle options reduce the amount of redness or dryness that may occur. We typically advise our clients to start with a series of six peels that are no more than two weeks apart from each other. After those first two, one peel once a month will do the trick to maintaining that beautiful, refreshed glow.

A chemical peel leaves the surface of the skin smoother and softer, as well as stimulate deeper tissue regeneration; it leaves the skin younger-looking and renewed.

Feel free to stop in and meet with our experienced team to see which chemical peel option is best for you.

By | 2018-11-08T08:30:30+00:00 September 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on WHAT’S A CHEMICAL PEEL?